Dixie: Rehabilitation After Spinal Cord Injury (FCE)

Dixie is a 4-year-old Boxer who underwent TPLO surgery after bilateral cruciate tears. Four weeks after surgery, she suddenly lost use of her hind limbs and lost bladder control. She was diagnosed with a fibrocartilagenous embolism (FCE). With this condition a piece of fibrous connective tissue comes loose and enters the circulation until it becomes lodged, blocking blood flow. In Dixie’s case the obstruction blocked blood flow to a part of her spinal cord causing damage to that area.

Dixie presented to VRSVA for supportive care and rehabilitation. First, our team helped her owners learn to express her bladder manually. Class IV laser therapy and massage work were started immediately. Range of motion exercises were implemented to maintain joint flexibility.  Our canine rehabilitation therapists developed exercises to improve Dixie’s proprioception to retrain her nervous system’s awareness of the limbs and how to use them.   

Dixie soon started assisted gait work in the under water treadmill, slowly learning to walk again!   She also started standing shifting weight exercises, helping to improve muscle tone and balance. Eventually, Dixie was able to go into the underwater treadmill without assistance and continued to regain strength and coordination.

While Dixie’s gait is not normal, she can now walk on her own and can squat to urinate on her own as well. We are so proud of how far she has come and so excited to have been a part of her recovery journey!

Dixie during a rehab session at VRSVA.

Dixie in the underwater treadmill.