Educational Articles
Acupuncture for Rehabilitation
Canine Nutrition: Bone Broth Benefits and Recipe
Care for the Retired Horse
Chiropractic Care as a Part of Rehabilitation
Choosing an Equine Retirement Facility
Good Paws or a Long Pause in Training
Importance of Physical Therapy for Aging Animals
Osteoarthritis in Animals
Platelet Rich Plasma in Equine and Canine Rehabilitation
PRP Therapy in the Equine and Canine: Joints, Ligaments, Tendons and Muscle Strains
Rehabilitation After Colic Surgery: How Rehab Helps These Horses Return to Work
Rehabilitation After TPLO
Rehab During Each Phase of Tissue Healing: Phase 1
Rehab During Each Phase of Tissue Healing: Phase 2
Rehab During Each Phase of Tissue Healing: Phase 3
Rehab During Each Phase of Tissue Healing: Phase 4
Standing Exercises for the Back
Stem Cell Therapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions
The Benefits of Equine Rehab at a Facility vs. Rehab at Home
The Importance of Stretching
Therapeutic Laser Therapy at VRSVA
Therapeutic Ultrasound in Rehabilitation
The Need for PRE-hab Before Surgery
The Underwater Treadmill for Back Pain
The Use of Balance Pads in Rehabilitation
Understanding Degenerative Myelopathy in Canines and the Role of Rehabilitation
Why water? The Theory Behind the Underwater Treadmill
When to Consider Conservative Management with Rehab After a CCL Tear
5 Stages of Successful Rehabilitation Therapy
10 Signs of Pain in your Dog or Horse